Companies need to equip themselves with better Human Resource System in Malaysia and will definitely opt the best in the market. The Employer will buy a system that has all the features which are required by Lightman HR system and payroll software in Malaysia in order to perform its duties. For some, buying this system, it is advisable to look for a system that is compatible, affordable and can carry out your function.
In Malaysia, the demand for this system is quite increasing in the market because everyone would like to have it because of the benefits it carries. If you want to buy them, it is better to research online and see the best Human Resource Management system that is currently used, most ordered and a trusted supplier. These are the features to try and look before buying it:
A good Recruitment Feature
In Malaysia, it is better to look for a system that can be able to create and post job descriptions in an advert and make an advertisement. Try to look for a system that can keep an applicant record of his merit and qualification in the database. This feature can post jobs on the company website and all media platform for easy access if you are looking for a job. Look for a system that has a feature that is not time-consuming in terms of recruitment.
Has a Performance Feature
It is good to have a system that keeps the employee’s data and shows his/her performance on a day to day activity. If the Boss wants to give someone a promotion or there is an internal advertisement then the Boss will need to do a performance evaluation. The data of which is usually stored by the Human Resource Management System for review of an individual performance. When looking for productivity in the company the system will provide the performance merit.
Payroll system
This feature can make things easier for accountants for want to pay salaries to employees, tax, and other benefits. It helps to calculate the amount to be paid for those working in the company. Every company in Malaysia has this important feature in their system. During pay, Human Resource can track employee’s attendance from the human resource before making a payment. It considers best because it saves time it can reduce errors.
A Good Fingerprint features
In the modern Malaysia, there is need to keep track on staff daily attendance to work and able to note who is on leave or absent from work. This component enables the Human Resource to do an audit of attendance of an individual coming to work. Therefore, there is a Malaysia fingerprint time attendance system is being created. When the employee places a finger on a biometric device the system detects that he/she has reported working or has been missing from work. Malaysia companies are using this system because it makes work easier for recording daily attendance.
Staff Self Service Portal
This feature enables each employee to log in their details in the company portal. It enables employees to access their personal information like a financial statement, insurance, tax deductions and communicate with the Human Resource Department.
In Malaysia, the Human Resource Management System is beneficial and almost every company is using it because of its accountability.